
As a plastic compounder, we recognise our environmental and social responsibility and commitment to sustainability has become a key part of Inno-Comp's company philosophy.

By using recycled materials in our production processes, we significantly reduce the demand for virgin resources and minimize waste. Our recycled products can be divided into post-industrial and post-consumer regranulate-based compounds. Our company offers filled and reinforced products based on recycled polymer (mainly PP) for several applications.

We build on the knowledge we have gained from previous developments and research results to create experimental recipes that meet customer requirements. Our bio-polymer based products include principally PLA (polylactic acid) based compounds. Our non-bio-polymer products based on PPH, PPC and random copolymer can be filled with bio-fillers, for example wood fibre, powder; agricultural residue, hemp, etc.

Sustainability report

Inno-Comp has committed to report on its activities in the form of an ESG (environmental, social and governance) report.

In our first report released in 2023, we present sustainability results for fiscal year 2022. The report was prepared in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. The GRI indicator table is included in the report, containing the GRI disclosures reported in each chapter.

2023 ESG Inno-Comp_EN

2022 ESG Inno-Comp_EN

Green Transition Strategy

At Inno-Comp, we’re dedicated to advance sustainability in all aspects of our operation. For 2030, we have set ambitious goals with a focus on reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable innovation.

Our “Green Transition Strategy 2030” outlines a clear path towards achieving carbon neutrality and reinforces that sustainability is an integral part of Inno-Comp’s long-term vision.


Green News

August 2024

INNO-COMP KFT has earned a Bronze Medal, a recognition awarded to the Top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis. It reflects the quality our company's sustainability management system and demonstrates a commitment to promoting transparency throughout the value chain.
Evaluation areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, sustainable procurement.

January 2022

Our bio-based compound – INNOPOL CS B0-3920 SF – has received the TÜV Austria "OK Biobased" certification, a significant credential of bio-based plastics and biocomposite materials. This grade is based on 80% PLA and includes 20% agricultural residue bio filler, making the ’biobased carbon content’ (BCC) of our product 100% and resulting in being awarded 4 stars, the highest grade.

Integrated and independent compounder

Trust is Value

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